
Search engine marketing SEM

Search engine marketing (SEM), includes both search engine advertising (SEA) and search engine optimisation (SEO). Search engine advertising includes Google Ads, which enables targeted advertising, where ads are shown only to consumers who are most likely to be interested in a company’s products or services. This makes advertising effective and optimises the use of your marketing budget.

Search Engine Marketing as a Service

Get top results with search engine marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is Purjemedia’s core competency, providing your business with immediate visibility and results in search engines. Using carefully targeted advertising and carefully planned campaigns, we ensure that your business reaches potential customers at the right time. Purjemedia focuses on maximising your return on investment (ROI) in search advertising, using keyword research, competitor analysis and continuous campaign optimisation. Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness, acquire leads or grow online sales, Purjemedia will tailor SEM strategies to meet your company’s unique needs. With our experienced experts, you can be confident that your search engine marketing will be cost-effective, targeted and, above all, deliver results.

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search engine advertising for business

Advertising that gets results

Search engine advertising has proven to be a critical tool for companies seeking immediate visibility and a targeted approach to potential customers. Google controls more than 90% of the search market, which underlines the importance of Google optimisation for businesses. In today’s digital landscape, where around 70-80% of users skip paid ads in favour of organic results, search advertising offers an opportunity to be seen by these users through strategically targeted ads. This strategy not only improves the visibility of businesses, but also delivers a high ROI, as traffic driven through search engines is highly targeted and ready to convert. In addition, 87% of smartphone owners use a search engine at least once a day, demonstrating the importance of mobile optimisation and search engine advertising in today’s mobile-centric world. With carefully designed search engine advertising, businesses can achieve fast results, increase their traffic and improve their rankings in search results, strengthening their competitive position in the digital environment.

Immediate visibility

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) provides instant visibility on search engine results pages, giving your business an edge over your competitors. Paid advertising allows you to place your business directly in the field of vision of potential customers when they are looking for the products or services you offer.


A well-designed SEM campaign uses targeted keywords to reach exactly those users who are ready to buy or get more information. This will significantly increase your website traffic and make every ad spend cost-effective.

User engagement

Search engine marketing allows you to create ads that not only attract clicks, but also drive engagement. Ad customisation and landing page optimisation will improve the user experience, increasing conversions and loyalty.


SEM provides measurable results such as click-through rates, conversion rates and ROI. This makes it one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways of digital marketing. You can adjust your budget in real time according to your needs, optimise campaigns based on results and achieve maximum ROI.

The top five sites in search results attract around 67% of all clicks
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43% of all leads come from search engine advertising
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Around 55% of users are unable to distinguish paid ads from organic search results in SERPs
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Google continues to dominate the search market, especially on mobile devices, where it has around 96% of the mobile search market share.
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Search engine marketing (SEM) is an essential part of digital marketing, offering businesses the opportunity to increase their visibility in search engines through paid advertising. Typically, SEM includes Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, such as Google Ads, where advertisers only pay when a user clicks on an ad. Search engine marketing allows businesses to achieve immediate results, as ads appear above or below the search results as tagged ads.

Unlike search engine marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) focuses on improving organic rankings in search results without spending on advertising. SEO aims to improve the natural ranking of a website in search results through a variety of technical and content-related optimisation methods. Although SEO is a long-term process and the results are not immediate, it aims to increase organic traffic and improve the long-term visibility of a website.

Both strategies have their own strengths and uses. search engine marketing offers immediate results and the ability to reach your target audience quickly, while SEO promotes long-term visibility and organic traffic growth. Combining these two strategies into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy can deliver the best results, as they complement each other optimally.

See more on each topic: Google Ads, Microsoft Ads and Search Engine Optimisation.

Search engine marketing should be seen as one part of a holistic digital marketing strategy that includes SEO, content marketing, social media marketing and email marketing. Integrating SEM into a broader strategy ensures that the different marketing channels work together seamlessly and support each other’s objectives. This requires the definition of coherent objectives and indicators for all marketing channels in order to assess their impact on the effectiveness of the overall strategy.

To ensure the effectiveness of SEM campaigns as part of a wider strategy, it is important to ensure they are supported by other marketing activities such as content strategy and brand communication. For example, you can use SEM to support specific campaigns or product launches, creating synergies with other marketing efforts. You can also use the data collected to better understand the behaviour of your target audience and target your marketing efforts more effectively. In this way, continuous analysis and optimisation are key to integrating SEM into a broader marketing strategy, allowing you to maximise your return on investment and effectively achieve your business objectives online.

Search engine advertising offers businesses a fast and efficient way to reach a targeted audience online. It allows ads to be displayed on the first page of search results for the most relevant keywords, which is particularly useful for new websites or businesses operating in a competitive market. Search engine marketing therefore allows you to gain visibility and attract visitors to your website immediately, without having to wait for a long time.

Search engine marketing also allows you to accurately measure the effectiveness and ROI of your advertising campaigns. This is done by analysing ad performance, such as click-through rates, conversions and ad costs. With this information, you can quickly adjust your advertising strategies and budget as needed. This allows you to respond flexibly to changing market trends and competitive situations, which in turn helps your business to remain competitive and achieve its business objectives online effectively.

  • Targeted Visibility: with SEM marketing, you can get your website to appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) at the exact moment when potential customers are searching for your products or services. This allows for highly targeted visibility.

  • Fast Results:Unlike organic search engine optimisation (SEO), which can take months to deliver results, SEM can bring visibility and traffic to your site as soon as your ads are activated.

  • Measurement and tracking: SEM marketing allows you to accurately measure and track the performance of your campaigns. This includes click-through rates, conversions, budget spent and much more to help you understand your return on investment (ROI).

  • Flexible Budgeting: you can set and manage your budget for SEM campaigns. You can start with a small budget and increase it over time based on results.

  • Improved Brand Awareness: SEM helps to increase your brand awareness, as your ads will appear high in search results. This increases your brand visibility and can improve your brand image.

  • Competitive advantage: SEM gives you the opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competitors, especially if your competitors are not yet using SEM or are not using it effectively.

  • Market Insight: analytics and reporting give you valuable insights into markets, customer behaviour and trends to help you improve your marketing strategy.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: SEM campaigns can be customised and optimised in real time to meet changing business needs and market conditions.

Search engine marketing is an effective way to reach your target customers at the right time, and offers a wide range of tools and strategies to grow your business. Purjemedia can help you harness the power of search engine marketing and develop strategies that meet your business goals and budget.

You can still see the benefits of Google here.

Search engine advertising, also known as search engine marketing (SEM), is the process whereby companies pay to have their ads displayed on search engine results pages. This method is a targeted way to reach potential customers who are actively looking for specific products, services or information. Here are some key features of advertising on search engines:

  • Keywords: Advertisers select keywords that will be used to display their ads when these keywords or phrases are searched for in a search engine. The keyword choices are usually based on products, services or topics related to their business.

  • Pay Per Click (PPC): most search engine advertising works on a “pay per click” model, where advertisers pay every time someone clicks on their ad. This makes advertising cost-effective, as payment is only made when the ad generates traffic.

  • Ad Placement: ads usually appear at the top and bottom of search results, and are marked with an “Ad” tag to distinguish them from organic search results.

  • Targeting: advertisers can target their ads to specific audiences based on age, location, language and other demographic factors.

  • Measurement and Monitoring: the effectiveness of advertising on search engines can be accurately measured. Advertisers can track how many times ads have been displayed, click-through rates, conversions and much more.

  • Flexibility and Real-time Optimisation: advertising campaigns can be easily adapted and optimised in real-time to meet changing market conditions and business objectives.

Setting a budget for a search engine marketing campaign is a key part of successful digital marketing and is influenced by a number of factors. First, it’s important to set clear goals, such as number of leads, sales growth or improved brand visibility, and assess how much you are willing to pay to achieve them. The budget should be realistic in relation to the company’s resources and objectives.

Secondly, targeted keywords directly affect your CPC (Cost Per Click), the price you are willing to pay for each click on your ad. Average CPCs for keywords vary depending on the level of competition and demand. By looking at the CPC values for keywords, you can get an idea of how much you might have to pay for ads to appear in search results.

Thirdly, it is important to estimate the expected traffic and conversion rates based on keywords. This will help you calculate your overall budget and ensure that funds are allocated efficiently. For example, if your goal is to get a certain number of leads, you can estimate how much traffic you need to reach this goal and how much you are willing to pay per lead.

Continuous monitoring and analysis are also vital for the effective use of the budget. As the campaign progresses, it is important to monitor its performance and make any necessary adjustments. If the campaign is producing the expected results, you may want to consider increasing the budget to get more leads or sales. On the other hand, if your campaign performance is low, you may want to adjust your budget downwards or change your strategy. Ongoing monitoring helps to ensure that the budget is being spent effectively and that the campaign is achieving its objectives.

One of the most common challenges of a search engine marketing campaign is the high cost per click (CPC), which can have a significant impact on the cost and profitability of the campaign. This underlines the need for careful keyword selection and budget optimisation. By focusing on targeted keywords with high intent, you can improve the effectiveness of your campaign and get more quality clicks for the same budget.

In addition, the choice of keywords must take into account competition in the market. Certain keywords can be highly competitive, which increases their price and makes it difficult to gain visibility. Therefore, it is important to do a thorough research on the competitive landscape of keywords and strategically select keywords that offer a good balance between visibility and cost.

Another major challenge is measuring the effectiveness of the campaign. It is important to regularly monitor and analyse campaign performance using analytics tools such as Google Analytics and AdWords reporting tools. This will help you understand which ads and keywords work best and make the necessary adjustments to optimise your campaign. In addition, A/B testing of ad copy and landing pages can provide valuable insight into what resonates best with your target audience and help you optimise your campaign for maximum performance.

Advertising targeting is the strategic process of ensuring that advertising messages reach the people most likely to be interested in your products or services. This process is often based on demographic, behavioural or location-based information that helps to define and perceive the target audience. Targeting is designed to make advertising more effective and cost-efficient by ensuring that advertising budgets are spent wisely to reach the right people with the right message.

Instead of advertising to a broad and vague audience, targeted advertising allows companies to analyse and use data on audience preferences, behaviour, purchase history or even social media behaviour. For example, if a company sells children’s clothing, its targeted advertising may focus on young parents in certain areas who have shown an interest in children’s products based on previous purchases or online behaviour. This approach not only improves the effectiveness of advertising, but also enhances the customer experience by providing them with relevant and engaging content.

Measuring the effectiveness of search engine marketing often focuses on the following key indicators:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): the CTR is the percentage of people who have clicked on your ad. This is an important metric because it helps you understand how attractive and relevant your ad is to your target audience.

  • Conversion rate: the conversion rate measures the percentage of users who click on your ad and complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, filling in a form or subscribing to a newsletter. This is a critical metric because it tells you how effective your ad is at converting traffic into desired actions.

  • Return on Invested Capital (ROI): ROI measures how much you have earned in relation to how much you have invested in advertising. It is an essential indicator for assessing the economic effectiveness of a campaign.

  • Cost Per Click (CPC): the CPC is how much you pay on average per click on your ad. This indicator is important for budget management and cost-effectiveness.

  • Cost Per Conversion: this measures how much money it costs on average to achieve one conversion. It is an important metric for assessing the effectiveness of a campaign and its impact on business results.

  • Quality index: your ads and their sites are evaluated by Google and other search engines using a quality index, which affects the placement of your ads and your CPC. The quality index is based on the relevance of ads and landing pages, as well as the user experience.

  • Site Traffic Quality: monitor the quality of your traffic through analytics – for example, how long visitors stay on your site, how many pages they browse and their exit rate.

  • Keyword Performance:

    Analysing keywords and monitoring their impact is key to the success of a SEM campaign. By looking at which keywords are generating the most traffic and conversions, you can make more accurate decisions about how to spend your budget and optimise your campaign.

    It is important to identify the keywords that generate the most traffic and conversions. By analysing campaign performance and using analytics tools such as Google Analytics, you can learn which keywords are driving the most visitors to your website and which keywords are producing the most desired actions, such as purchases or leads.

    Once you have identified the most effective keywords, you can adjust your budget and strategy accordingly. Increase the budget for those keywords that produce the best results, and decrease the budget for less effective keywords. This allows for optimal use of resources and ensures that you put the most effort into the keywords most likely to produce the best results.

Search engine marketing costs can vary widely and depend on many factors. Here are some of the key factors that influence the price of SEM campaigns:

  • Keyword Competition: one of the biggest cost drivers is the level of competition for keywords. The most popular and competitive keywords are priced higher because more advertisers are trying to get their ads displayed for these keywords.

  • Cost Per Click (CPC): the CPC (Cost Per Click) is the amount you pay per click on your ad. The CPC varies according to the competition for keywords, the quality index and other factors.

  • Daily Budget: you can set a daily budget for your SEM campaign, which determines how much you are willing to spend on advertising each day.

  • Campaign size: the size and duration of the campaign will affect the total cost. Larger campaigns, covering multiple keywords and geographic areas, cost more.

  • SEM professional fees: if you use an SEM professional or marketing agency to manage your campaign, their fees will be added to the total cost.

  • Optimisation and Testing: continuous campaign monitoring, optimisation and A/B testing are important to improve campaign effectiveness, but they can also increase costs.

  • Regional differences: different geographical areas have different market situations and levels of competition, which may affect costs.

The total cost depends on your business objectives, the keywords you choose and your marketing strategy. It’s important to remember that SEM offers flexibility in budgeting, and you can adjust the size and cost of your campaign to suit your business needs. Purjemedia will help you define a budget that meets your business objectives and provides the best possible return on investment.

The cost of advertising on search engines can vary widely depending on a number of factors, such as the location and size of ads, competition for keywords and the budget of the advertising campaign. However, it is important for businesses to plan carefully how much they are willing to invest in search engine marketing in order to achieve the desired results.

One of the most common marketing pricing models in search engines is PPC (Pay-Per-Click), where the advertiser only pays when the user clicks on the ad. The cost of PPC advertising depends on a number of factors, such as competition for keywords, location of the ad, location of the user and timing. Through Google Ads, advertisers can set a PPC price, often ranging from a few cents to several euros per click.

For example, if a company wants to use search engine marketing to promote their new product, they can set up an Ads advertising campaign and choose keywords related to the product. They can set a budget for an advertising campaign and specify the maximum PPC price they are willing to pay per click. If the maximum PPC price is €1.50 and the average click price of an ad is €0.80, a company can get around two clicks per budget euro.

It is important to note that the cost of SEM marketing is not limited to the click-through price of ads. The advertiser must also take into account other costs, such as improving the ad rating, maintaining the quality level of ads and A/B testing. All these factors can affect the cost of marketing.

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