
Corporate information security

Information security is an important part of every business. With good encryption and a secure site, you can keep your data and personal information safe. At the same time, you also ensure that third parties cannot view or edit information on your site. Enterprise information security refers to the measures and practices that protect your company’s data and systems from unauthorised access, data breaches and data theft.

Purjemedia offers security maintenance, development and remediation services.

Information security as a service for business

Your business data could be at risk

Purjemedia’s security services offer your business comprehensive protection in the digital world. We understand that your company’s information is the most valuable asset you have, which is why we’ve developed a multi-layered security strategy that protects both your customer data and your company’s internal information. Our service combines the latest technologies, expert knowledge and tailored security solutions, ensuring you’re always one step ahead of potential threats.

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Our service steps

Step 1


The customer can contact Purjemedia either by phone, email or through the form on this page.

Step 2

Choice of services

Together with the Purjemedia team, the customer chooses the services that are most suitable for their business.

Step 3


The Purjemedia team implements the plan with a focus on quality and keeps the client updated on the progress of the plan.

The final stage


Once the work is completed, Purjemedia will inform the customer and agree on the delivery of the work and further instructions, depending on the service.

Why is this important for business?

The importance of business information security

The importance of information security for Finnish companies has become even more important in recent years, as cybercrime has become more sophisticated and complex, and companies in all industries face increasing threats. Recent statistics show that the number of cyber attacks globally will increase by 50% in 2023, which is particularly worrying for small and medium-sized businesses in Finland, which form the backbone of the economy but are often less prepared to combat cyber threats.

Considering that companies can spend on average more than 200 days to detect and remediate a security breach, it is time for Finnish companies to recognise that proactive security is not just a cost, but a vital investment to ensure their continuity and competitiveness. Especially when the cost of ransomware attacks is predicted to reach $20 billion globally, it is clear that a failure to protect data can lead not only to financial losses but also to reputational damage, which can be fatal, especially for Finnish companies that rely heavily on the purity and reliability of their brand.

Sensitive information

Good encryption protects your company's sensitive information, such as customer data, staff data and trade secrets, which can be disastrous if they fall into the wrong hands. Data breaches can lead to loss of trust, loss of customer relationships and financial losses.

Company reputation

Data breaches can significantly damage a company's reputation. When a company demonstrates its commitment to security, it sends a strong message to customers and partners that it values and protects their data, which can strengthen trust and your corporate image in the marketplace.

Statutory requirements

Several laws and regulations, such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in the EU, require companies to protect personal data and other sensitive information. Failure to do so can result in significant fines and legal penalties.


Security threats such as malware, phishing attacks and ransomware can disrupt your business and cause major financial losses. IT security helps prevent such attacks and ensures that business operations can continue uninterrupted, which is vital for business continuity.

Information security is a key part of an organisation’s operations, covering a wide range of measures and processes designed to protect data from a variety of threats. This includes from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, alteration, destruction or theft. Organisations place great emphasis on the security of their website and data, as it ensures the security of sensitive information and systems within the company.

Enterprise security is critical to protect your company’s valuable data. This information may include customer data, trade secrets, personnel data and other sensitive information, the unauthorised disclosure of which could cause significant damage to the organisation. It helps prevent such information from falling into the wrong hands, thereby ensuring the business continuity and reputation of the organisation.

Good website security also maintains customer trust. When customers give their personal information to a company, they expect that this information will be kept safe and secure. Good security practices help build trust among customers and stakeholders, which is key to maintaining long-term customer relationships and business success.

Effective preparedness and up-to-date programmes also help avoid financial losses. Data breaches and data leaks can result in significant costs to a company, including remediation costs, legal penalties, reputational damage and lost business opportunities. By investing in security in a proactive way, a company can reduce the impact of these risks and save costs in the long run.

Malware, such as viruses, Trojans and spyware, is one of the most common security risks that can infect systems and steal sensitive data. They can cause significant damage to an organisation by disrupting business processes, spying on confidential information and even destroying important files.

Phishing attacks are another common threat, where attackers send scam messages, such as emails or text messages, that try to trick recipients into revealing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords or credit card details. Such attacks can lead to identity theft, phishing and financial losses.

Ransomware is a specific type of malware that encrypts user files and demands a ransom to decrypt them. This can cause significant business disruption and compromise the security of sensitive data.

Insider threats, such as fraud, data leaks and deliberate malicious attacks, can pose significant risks to an organisation’s information security. These threats may originate from employees or other internal stakeholders within the organisation and require appropriate controls and monitoring to identify and counter them.

Weak passwords and un-updated software are also common security risks that can expose an organisation’s systems to attacks and data breaches. The use of strong passwords and regular software updates are important measures to minimise these risks.

In addition, misconduct such as unethical behaviour, insider trading and theft can cause significant security problems and financial losses to an organisation. Identifying and combating these risks requires appropriate supervision, training and internal control processes.

There are a number of effective practices and measures that organisations can take to improve their information security:

The introduction of multi-factor authentication can significantly increase the security of accounts. This means that a user must provide more than one authentication credential before they can access their account or the system. For example, in addition to a password, a user may have to enter a unique code that is sent to their phone by SMS or email.

Regular training of staff in information security is a key part of developing an organisation’s information security culture. Raising staff awareness of security threats and best practices will help reduce the risk of human error and ensure that staff can identify and report any security breaches.

Regular updating of software and systems is vital to maintain security. Updates often include fixes for security holes and vulnerabilities that have been identified, so keeping systems up to date helps protect them from new attacks.

Using strong passwords and password management tools are effective ways to protect user accounts. Strong passwords contain at least eight characters and consist of letters, numbers and special characters. Password management tools help you create and manage complex passwords for multiple accounts and services.

Regular security audits and tests are an essential part of improving the security of your organisation. This will help identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in systems and processes and ensure that security practices are effective and appropriate.

Combining these practices and measures will help organisations strengthen security and protect their valuable data effectively.

Compliance with safety regulations is a key part of prevention. The organisation must establish clear guidelines and frameworks that define what is allowed and what is not allowed, the systems and software to be used and who is responsible for security. Regularly updating these rules and monitoring compliance are important precautions to ensure data security.

Thirdly, the use of technical protection measures such as firewalls, antivirus and anti-malware software helps prevent the risk of malicious attacks and data breaches. Regularly updating and configuring these tools is an essential part of maintaining security.

It is also important to educate staff about various security threats and good practices. This can include awareness campaigns, email alerts and practical exercises to help staff identify and avoid security threats such as phishing attacks and social manipulation attempts.

Combining these preventive measures will help strengthen the security of your organisation and reduce the risk of data breaches and leaks.

Isolating the immediate threat is of paramount importance once a breach has been detected. This may include isolating infected systems from the network or configuring a firewall to prevent the spread of malicious traffic.

It is then important to assess the extent of the breach and its impact on the organisation. This may require a review of the extent of the affected area, the number of systems damaged and the potential loss of data or exposure.

Thirdly, it is essential to inform the parties concerned, such as the authorities and affected customers. This will help to ensure that appropriate measures can be taken and that those concerned can take the necessary precautions.

Finally, it is important to take measures to prevent future infringements. This may include strengthening information systems, updating security practices and training staff in security. These measures allow the organisation to reduce the risk of future breaches.

For example, you can look at European Commission advice on what to do if a security breach occurs.

The role of people in security is crucial, as they are often the weakest link in the security chain. Regular training and education are key to minimising human errors that can lead to security breaches.

Security training can include, for example, guidance on the use of strong passwords, identification awareness of malicious emails and links, and advice on how to avoid the risks of sharing information. In addition, the training can cover awareness of social engineering techniques such as scam calls and phishing attempts, as well as approaches to identifying and reporting suspicious situations.

Education and training not only help to reduce the risk of human error, but also raise the general awareness of employees about security and its importance. By educating staff and making them aware of security measures, an organisation can significantly improve its overall security and reduce its vulnerability to security breaches.

Physical threats cover a wide range of risks, from theft and damage to natural disasters. Managing these threats is key to ensuring the security of the organisation and business continuity.

One important aspect of managing physical threats is access control. This includes the use of systems such as access cards, locks and alarm systems to prevent unauthorised access to the organisation’s premises and infrastructure. Access control can limit the possibility of physical threats and prevent possible misuse or intrusion.

In addition, the use of surveillance cameras is an effective way to monitor and control the organisation’s premises in real time. Surveillance cameras can help identify and respond quickly to potential security threats, helping to prevent damage or misuse.

Backing up critical data to secure locations is also an essential part of managing physical threats. This ensures that an organisation can recover its data quickly and efficiently in the event of a natural disaster or other physical threat. Early precautions, such as regular backups and storing them in secure locations, can help minimise the risk of data loss and ensure business continuity in difficult times.

In summary, managing physical threats requires a variety of measures, such as access control, the use of surveillance cameras and data backup. These strategies enable an organisation to minimise the risks associated with physical threats and ensure business continuity in different situations.

Cloud services often offer advanced security features and updates that can improve an organisation’s security. These features include continuous security updates, encryption methods, multi-factor authentication and user management, which can help to prevent security threats.

Another major advantage of cloud computing is the flexibility and scalability it offers, which can help organisations meet changing security needs. Cloud computing can also ensure data availability and continuity, as data can be backed up to multiple locations and restored quickly when needed.

However, when choosing cloud services, it is important to consider the choice of a reliable service provider. Organisations must conduct a thorough assessment of the service provider’s security policies, certifications and practices to ensure that they meet their requirements and standards. It is also important to understand who is responsible for different aspects of security in the cloud, such as data encryption, access management and breach prevention, so that responsibilities and obligations are clear to all parties.

In summary, while cloud computing offers many advantages in improving security, it is important to make a careful assessment of your service provider and understand your responsibilities clearly before moving to the cloud. This will ensure that security is properly managed and that the organisation can safely exploit the potential of cloud computing.

A security audit is an essential process that allows organisations to assess and review their current security posture. This comprehensive review covers the organisation’s security practices, processes and technologies, with the aim of identifying potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Firstly, security auditing helps organisations to identify potential threats and risks they may face. This may include vulnerabilities in information systems, gaps in security practices or the need to update outdated solutions. By identifying these potential risks, the organisation can take the necessary measures to minimise or eliminate them.

Secondly, auditing helps an organisation to ensure that its security policies and processes are effective and appropriate. This may include a review of current access management systems, encryption methods, backup and recovery, and staff security training. Such an assessment ensures that the organisation is well protected and that its information systems are used appropriately and securely.

In summary, security auditing is an important part of an organisation’s information security because it helps to identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities, ensure the effectiveness of security practices and processes, and contribute to the overall safety and security of the organisation. This process should be carried out regularly as part of the organisation’s security measurements and controls.

Regularly reviewing and updating your security policies is essential to maintaining and improving your organisation’s security. This process should be carried out at least once a year or whenever there are significant changes in business processes, technologies used or security threats. The aim of the review and update is to ensure that security practices remain up-to-date and effective to meet changing threats and needs.

The organisation needs to objectively assess its current security practices and processes to identify any weaknesses or gaps. This may include a review of the level of compliance with policies, staff training needs, the effectiveness of technological solutions and risk management strategies.

The organisation also needs to look at security threats and trends to identify new or growing risks. The information security industry is constantly evolving and new threats and attack methods can emerge quickly. The organisation needs to keep abreast of these threats and adapt where necessary.

Following the changes, it is important to ensure that the updated security policies and processes are properly communicated within the organisation. All employees and stakeholders must be trained and informed about the new policies and procedures so that they are followed effectively and consistently.

Regular monitoring and evaluation are essential to ensure the effectiveness of updated security practices. This includes performance measurement, audits, testing and initiating a continuous improvement process when necessary.

In summary, regular review and updating of security practices is an essential part of managing information security in an organisation. This will help ensure that your organisation remains protected against constantly evolving threats and that its security practices are up-to-date and effective.

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